1:1 Mentorship

Through a combination of Kundalini Yoga, meditation, personalized practices, and ongoing support, the mentorship services are designed to help you cultivate self-awareness, overcome challenges, and embrace positive transformation.

Join Onkar on this transformative journey and experience the profound impact of her mentorship services.

10 WK Self-Love Mentorship

What to Expect: Foundations of Self-Love is not just a program; it's an intimate exploration tailored to nurture your relationship with yourself. Expect to engage in self-assessment, set meaningful goals, and uncover the practices that resonate with your unique journey. Together, we will create a space for growth, healing, and the cultivation of self-love that will ripple through every aspect of your life.

 Build Self Love, Confidence and Resilience

Build self-love, confidence and resilience by creating a strong foundation through our practices for overcoming challenges and limiting beliefs.

 Enhance Self-Awareness

 Gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and how they impact your daily life. Access the tools to allow you to navigate them on a daily basis.

 Improve your Relationships

The mentorship is designed to improve your personal relationship with yourself and your intuition, thus improve your relationship with others and the world.

 The Work + Manifestation

 Here is where we will face challenges and failures as opportunities for growth and development of resilience and healing. Then to begin to manifest/ create from this new place and foundation.

What you get :

A Personalized Program: Your coaching package includes access to programs made specifically for you. 1.1 weekly Zoom sessions that will include 1 or more of the following: to achieve your desired goal/s.

  • Meditation

  • Breath work

  • Healing

  • Akashic Record Readings

  • Oracle Card Readings

  • Rituals & Altar building

  • Intuitive Coaching

  • Dream Building and Tangible assignments

  • 3 months of online activation membership

    1x Coaching Session a week - for 10 weeks

    Each session will last for 60 minutes and is intuitively curated upon each session depending where we are in The Work . During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to receive personalized support and guidance to help you achieve your desired outcomes.

    Unlimited Whats app messaging- with a 24 hour response time.

    This text stream is specifically designed to provide you with extra support or just need a boost to help you stay on track throughout the week as well as any questions you might have.

    Wana see if we’re a fit? Schedule a free Connection call below.